Posted by: cg00n | August 17, 2009

Shower Time

After a month of bathing in bed with the aid of a basin of water and a washcloth I finally managed a shower today.  P was kind enough to document this momentous moment:

in the shower

I am actually seated on a plastic shower bench with my right leg stuck out through the door, which allows me to keep it dry.  I feel so lucky:  if the cancer was in my left leg I’d be really screwed!  Or we’d have to remodel the bathroom.  Anyway, it is a tremendous relief to feel squeaky clean again.

Tomorrow we’re off to see the psychiatrist again.  My state of mind has been pretty good this last little while although that may be due more to the clonazepam than to any mental effort I have expended.  Yesterday we chatted to a couple of our Buddhist friends who have been meditating for a long time and one of them has agreed to be my meditation instructor.  Although I seem well enough right now I feel some urgency to improve my mindfulness before the next catastrophe (whatever form it may take) strikes.


  1. After getting stuck in a torso brace for months, I admit that first shower was mightily awesome. Good for ya! And, meditation helps. Have fun!!

  2. Mind over matter, meditation should surely improve things. I wanted to share a heart-felt video called “Stand Up To Cancer”—> . This video highlights the importance of managing your cancer treatment and avoiding infection. Please watch and share with all your loved ones.

    Best of wishes,


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